Board Members Present: Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Ash Goren, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Victor Fiore, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz
General Business:
- PCDC Grant policy clarified and updated.
o Approved updates to be added to website - Music and band development ECD/Contra
o Contra tune session format changing:
▪ 2x sessions of focused teaching for participants
▪ 1x session Open Jam for everyone - Some of the Sound engineers for the Contra dance are looking at retiring from this task
o On-going discussion: Should PCDC consider purchasing its own sound system?
- English Dance will continue with current mask policy (a mix of Mask Optional and Mask required) through at least September.
- Contra will continue with all events being mask optional.
- PCDC could use volunteers to help with outreach
o Kathy to write an article in Footnotes asking for help.