2024-10 Board Meeting Summary


Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, Bill Tomczak, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Cynthia Stenger

Renter’s insurance to cover sound equipment stored at Fulton is in place.

End of fiscal year financial report shows a surplus of $16,426. Large financial gains were made from contra dances and Raindance.

Cynthia Stenger is replacing Jody on the PCDC board as the NW passage committee representative.

Roadhouse has withdrawn its request to become a PCDC event. 

Sound equipment is in place at Fulton.

Megaband will rehearse at Polish Hall this year, beginning in January.

English Ball will be held November 2 at the Masonic Lodge. Attendance will be smaller this year due to the smaller venue. 

NW Passage had a successful camp. Raindance registration opens January 1. 

Membership committee will have a test drive of the new web site page for joining or renewing memberships for the board before the December meeting.

All newsletters are now archived on the website.