Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Victor Fiore, Cynthia Stenger
PCDC finance report: $13,000 more in the bank than this time last year. We need to increase the community development budget for the annual picnic.
Board members gave specific feedback to the membership committee about the test site to join/ renew membership online.
Cynthia Stenger is replacing Bill Tomczak as the English dance representative on the PCDC board. She will serve as both the NW Passage and the English dance rep on the board.
The Woodshed series is being discontinued.
NW Passage made $4,700 in profits, the venue cost will be $1,000 higher next year. Raindance registration opens Jan. 1.
Archived newsletters will be housed on the PCDC web site. A link pointing to that site will be on the shared PCDC Google Drive.