Brooke Friendly (Ashland, OR) is known for her warm yet commanding personality, her clear and concise teaching, her creativity, and her sense of whimsy. She has a strong sense of what makes for a good community and she makes the learning experience fun and relaxing. A dancer for more than 40 years, Brooke co-leads a weekly English and Scottish dance, calls Contra and family dances, and has been on staff at camps, weekends, festivals, and workshops throughout North America, England, and Australia. Brooke has been the programmer for the Bay Area Country Dance English week (Hey Days) and as well as Secretary of the Country Dance and Song Society. Also a dance choreographer, she, with her husband Chris Sackett, has published six dance books (Impropriety Vols. 1-6) and produced seven CDs with the band Roguery. Most recently, Brooke has been teaching online courses for ECD callers, some privately and some through CDSS. She loves to sing, especially rounds.