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7:00 PM: 1st Saturday Contra: Stage Crew and Noah Grunzweig

Sat Oct 5, 2024

7:00 PM: 1st Saturday Contra: Stage Crew and Noah Grunzweig

Music by The Stage Crew: Lori Shaffer, fiddle; Sue Songer, fiddle and piano; Lanny Martin, accordion and piano.

Calling (nongendered): Noah Grunzweig

Admission: $15 per person allow us to meet our fixed expenses and pay musicians and callers adequately. Sliding scale, $6 - $20+

Newcomers session:7:00 pm; Dance starts at 7:30.

All are welcome! No partner or experience is necessary.

The 1st Saturday Contra Dance is hosted by The Stage Crew.

Fulton Park Hall
(L’Etoile French Immersion School)
68 SW Miles St
Portland, Oregon 97219
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(L’Etoile French Immersion School)
68 SW Miles St
Portland, Oregon 97219

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