
This calendar shows local and PCDC affiliated events. To see more (and to be able to filter by type of events) go to our extended regional calendar.

Week of Nov 27th

  • PCDC Friday Night English Dance: Cynthia Stenger with Richard Sher, Leslie Hirsch, Norman Farrell

    PCDC Friday Night English Dance: Cynthia Stenger with Richard Sher, Leslie Hirsch, Norman Farrell

    Fri Dec 2, 2022


    If you test positive for COVID after attending a PCDC event, please email to tell us when you tested positive, what event you attended, and any symptoms you might want to mention.  We will never reveal your identity.

     Per PCDC Guidelines: For everyone's safety and comfort all must be vaccinated and boosted (if eligible), sign a waiver and provide contact information. Well fitting masks are required for all, except the caller and musicians when they are on the stage.
    Please click here for the PCDC COVID Safety guidelines for the English Dance.

     Dancing starts at 7:30.  Show up early to check in.

    Newcomers are always welcome.  We waive the admission fee the first time you attend.  An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.

    No street shoes permitted beyond entryway.  Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.

    No partner required

    Admission:  Sliding Scale.  Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $15.00

    Caller: Cynthia Stenger

    Band: Richard Sher/piano, Leslie Hirsch/violin, Norman Farrell/saxophone

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Questions?  Email our English Dance Committee Chairperson

     Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219