
This calendar shows local and PCDC affiliated events. To see more (and to be able to filter by type of events) go to our extended regional calendar.

Events in February 2025

  • PCDC Friday English Dance: Ric Goldman (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Ron Dann, Lisa Scott, Brooke Bubna

    PCDC Friday English Dance: Ric Goldman (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Ron Dann, Lisa Scott, Brooke Bubna

    Fri Feb 7, 2025

    PCDC Friday Night English Dance

    Dancing starts at 7:30. 

    Newcomers are always welcome.  We waive the admission fee the first time you attend.  An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.

    No street shoes permitted beyond entryway.  Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.

    No partner required

    Admission:  Sliding Scale.  Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $20.00

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Covid protocols: Though not required, masks and up-to-date vaccinations are recommended to help keep our community healthy. We continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details.

    Questions?  Email

     Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219

    Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219
  • Set to Music English Dance: Laura Hatch calling to Laura Kuhlman, Betsy Branch, and Lisa Scott

    Set to Music English Dance: Laura Hatch calling to Laura Kuhlman, Betsy Branch, and Lisa Scott

    Sat Feb 8, 2025

    You are cordially invited to an English Country Dance party! Come enjoy a delightful evening of exciting, exuberant, and beautiful dances.  No partner or previous experience required!

    This month's dance party will showcase dances that were done in film versions of Jane Austen's work, such as Pride & Prejudice and Emma.  Ever wonder what the famous Darcy/Lizzy dance is, and how to do it?  Wonder no more!  😀  We'll also give some behind the scenes peeks at what was historically accurate, what was not, and how current ECD differs from how it was danced in Jane's day.  (Oh, and guess what?  Jane's 250th birthday is coming up this December! Fun times!)

    This special Regency-themed dance will also feature glorious live music by Laura Kuhlman (flute), Betsy Branch (violin), and Lisa Scott, piano!

    Regency attire admired and encouraged but not required!  😀

    Ages 10 through adult. $25 per dancer in advance, $30 at the door if any are left.  Early Bird tickets available through January 26: $20 per person. Limited to 100 dancers.

    Hope to see you on the dance floor!

    More information is available on the Set to Music Facebook page.

    Tickets on on sale a couple of weeks prior to the event. Tickets can be purchased here.

    Questions?  Email Laura:


    19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
    Beaverton, Oregon 97007
  • PCDC 2nd Sunday English Dance for experienced dancers: Ric Goldman (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Bill Tomczak, Betsy Branch, Lisa Scott

    PCDC 2nd Sunday English Dance for experienced dancers: Ric Goldman (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Bill Tomczak, Betsy Branch, Lisa Scott

    Sun Feb 9, 2025

    The 2nd Sunday English Dance for Experienced Dancers is an opportunity to dance to the music of Fine Companions (and Friends).

    Calling: Ric Goldman
    Music: Betsy Branch, Bill Tomczak, Lisa Scott

    The dances will be a balance of familiar dances and unfamiliar dances.

    The callers will encourage dancers to incorporate style points such as quality of movement, timing, transitions and dancing with the music.

    We ask that dancers be comfortable dancing standard English Dance figures including:
    - Heys in various orientations
    - Regular and Double figure eights
    - Triple minor progressions
    - Dancing with couples outside of your group of 4
    - Straight and draw poussettes.

    If you are not familiar with these figures we recommend that you attend the PCDC Friday Night English Dance to become comfortable with these figures before attending the 2nd Sunday English Dance for Experienced Dancers. (Note: No street shoes permitted beyond the entrance of the Renaissance School )

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Questions?  Email our

    Admission: Sliding Scale $10 - $20.

    Location: A Renaissance School of Arts and Science Ballroom
    234 S Bancroft St
    Portland, OR 97239

  • PCDC Friday English Dance: Cynthia Stenger (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Laura Kuhlman, Bill Tomczak, Mark Douglass

    PCDC Friday English Dance: Cynthia Stenger (Mixed Positional and Gendered Calling) with Laura Kuhlman, Bill Tomczak, Mark Douglass

    Fri Feb 14, 2025

    PCDC Friday Night English Dance

    Dancing starts at 7:30. 

    Newcomers are always welcome.  We waive the admission fee the first time you attend.  An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.

    No street shoes permitted beyond entryway.  Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.

    No partner required

    Admission:  Sliding Scale.  Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $20.00

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Covid protocols: Though not required, masks and up-to-date vaccinations are recommended to help keep our community healthy. We continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details.

    Questions?  Email

     Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219

    Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219
  • PCDC Friday English Dance: Laura Hatch (Gendered Calling) with Erica Liebert, Lisa Scott, George Penk

    PCDC Friday English Dance: Laura Hatch (Gendered Calling) with Erica Liebert, Lisa Scott, George Penk

    Fri Feb 21, 2025

    PCDC Friday Night English Dance

    Dancing starts at 7:30. 

    Newcomers are always welcome.  We waive the admission fee the first time you attend.  An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.

    No street shoes permitted beyond entryway.  Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.

    No partner required

    Admission:  Sliding Scale.  Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $20.00

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Covid protocols: Though not required, masks and up-to-date vaccinations are recommended to help keep our community healthy. We continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details.

    Questions?  Email

     Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219

    Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219
  • PCDC Friday English Dance: Dilip Sequeira and Rachel Pusey (Positional Calling) with Laura Kuhlman, Leslie Hirsch, Lisa Scott

    PCDC Friday English Dance: Dilip Sequeira and Rachel Pusey (Positional Calling) with Laura Kuhlman, Leslie Hirsch, Lisa Scott

    Fri Feb 28, 2025

    PCDC Friday Night English Dance

    Dancing starts at 7:30. 

    Newcomers are always welcome.  We waive the admission fee the first time you attend.  An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.

    No street shoes permitted beyond entryway.  Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.

    No partner required

    Admission:  Sliding Scale.  Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $20.00

    For more information about English Dance, please see: 

    Covid protocols: Though not required, masks and up-to-date vaccinations are recommended to help keep our community healthy. We continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details.

    Questions?  Email

     Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219

    Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
    8936 SW 17th Av
    Portland, Oregon 97219