New Music Jams for Contra, ECD, and Waltz Tunes
By Kathy Story, PCDC Board President
What: Jams for all acoustic instruments and all levels of musicians, whether you play by notes or by ear. Come make music with us!
Where: McMenamins Kennedy School, 5763 NE 33rd Ave., Portland
● Contra and waltz jam: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7–9 pm
● ECD jam: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7–9 pm
Additional details:
● At the contra and waltz jams, we play tunes from the Portland Collection books and Bill Matthiesen’s
waltz books.
● At ECD jams, we play tunes from the Barnes books.
● If you don’t have the books, we’re happy to share.
Questions? Contact Kathy Story at board-chair@portlandcountrydance.org.