(Mask required) PCDC Friday English Dance: Andrea Nettleton w/ Erica Liebert, Carl Thor, Norman Farrell, Landon Kuhn
Fri Jan 5, 2024
Masks Required for tonight's Dance
Per PCDC Guidelines: Vaccinations/boosters are no longer being verified and new attendees no longer have to compete a waiver.
Dancing starts at 7:30.
Newcomers are always welcome. We waive the admission fee the first time you attend. An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request.
No street shoes permitted beyond entryway. Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor.
No partner required
Admission: Sliding Scale. Pay what you can. Recommended range $7.00 - $20.00
For more information about English Dance, please see: https://portlandcountrydance.org/english-country-dance/
If you test positive for COVID after attending a PCDC event, please email igotcovid@portlandcountrydance.org to tell us when you tested positive, what event you attended, and any symptoms you might want to mention. We will never reveal your identity.
Questions? Email ecd-chair@portlandcountrydance.org
Location: Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
8936 SW 17th Av
Portland, Oregon 97219
8936 SW 17th Av
Portland, Oregon 97219
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