Band and Caller Information

Dance Series

Normally, PCDC hosts contra dances on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Saturdays of each month, year round. Contra dances hosted by other organizations are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at the same time and location.

Our regular dances are located at Fulton Park Hall (formerly Fulton Park Community Center) in southwest Portland, 68 SW Miles St, Portland, OR 97219.

  • 6:00 pm: Building opens. Our contract does not allow us to start setup before this time.
  • 7:00 pm: Workshop for dance newcomers taught by caller. Sometimes with band assistance.
  • 7:25 pm: Band soundcheck
  • 7:30 pm: PCDC welcome announcements, dance begins
  • 8:45 pm: PCDC announcements before last contra of first half
  • 9:00 pm: Waltz, 10-15 minute break
  • 9:15 pm: Second half started off with a couple dance such as a hambo
  • 10:30 pm: Last waltz, to end by 10:35 pm
  • 11:00 pm: Building closes

PCDC allows musicians to sit in behind the band unmiked, at the discretion of the band.

Please note that alcohol, illegal drugs, and firearms are not permitted on the premises of any PCDC event.

Role Terms

PCDC uses non-gendered role terms such as Larks and Robins The role terms that will be used should be clarified at booking.


The evening schedule is flexible once the dance has started. The last waltz should end by 10:35 pm to allow enough time to clean and vacate the building. The band warm-up during the workshop should be minimized to avoid distractions for the newcomers. Doing the final sound check after the workshop is completed will help and also provide a musical introduction to the evening.

Our dances always include several new dancers. Callers, please help us welcome these folks with a well-taught workshop and more basic dances early in the evening. It is also appropriate to include a brief (5-minute) style pointer during a walk-through before the break. More challenging dances should be slotted after the break.


PCDC pays a guaranteed minimum sum of $70 each to the caller and to each band member up to four members. In addition, any profit that remains after all expenses are paid (rent, sound, publicity, caller and band guarantee) will be distributed as equal shares to the caller, each paid band person (up to four members,) and PCDC. Please note that the IRS requires PCDC to report any income in excess of $600 that it pays to any individual in a calendar year.

PCDC also pays a fixed sum for travel expenses. Again, the amount is paid to the caller and each band member up to four members, and is based on where the band members and caller came from for the dance.

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