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PDX Quebec Jam Session

Mon Sep 30, 2024

What: An inclusive learner-friendly place to share and learn the energizing and joyful traditional dance music of Quebec and Acadia, in the Portland area. If you play or are interested in learning this kind of music, this session is for you! Step-dancers are welcome.

This jam takes place at a public venue, or at the homes of hosting members of the  e-mail list on a rotating basis. If you’d like to receive invitations for this event, (or host an event), use the dedicated email address to get on the notification list.    Contact:

For Whom: folks who already play their instrument, and want to learn or share Quebec tunes. All acoustic melody and bass instruments, (violin, guitar, accordion, piano, bouzouki, flute, etc.), and experience levels are welcome.

Tunes are usually played several times through (unlike the Irish or Cape Breton sessions where tunes are only played 2-3 times), so that folks can get their fingers around new tunes and really enjoy playing the ones they know.

When and Where:

2024 Schedule:

  • Fifth Mondays of the month: (Sept. 30 and Dec. 30, 2024), from 7:00 to 9:00pm.
    McMenamins Kennedy School - Community Room
    5736 NE 33rd Ave., Portland Oregon. (Parking available).
  • August, October, November: times and places to be announced.

Resources:  Some sheet music and performance links where possible, for basic and common session tunes, may be provided via the mailing list. This is to establish, and build upon, a repertoire of common Quebec session tunes for participants.  Other resources:

  • The Portland Collection, Vols. I, II, and III, has many Quebec tunes.
  • 1000 Airs du Quebec… tune book.
  • Online performances.


McMenamins Kennedy School
5736 NE 33rd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97211
View Location

McMenamins Kennedy School
5736 NE 33rd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97211

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