PCDC 4th Saturday Contra: The Overtones [Corvallis] with Ric Goldman
Sat Jan 25, 2025
![PCDC 4th Saturday Contra: The Overtones [Corvallis] with Ric Goldman](https://portlandcountrydance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FultonHall.png)
Our Saturday night series at Fulton Hall continues! The Overtones will head up from Corvallis to play for our dancing pleasure. The band features Bo Leyden (mandolin, flute), Shari Ame (fiddle), Tracy Daugherty (bass), Marjorie Sandor, and Evelyn Idzerda. Ric Goldman will call dances using gender-neutral terms.
7:00 pm newcomer/refresher lesson
7:30 pm dancing starts
10:30 dancing ends
Some dancers head to a pub for "afters" -- all are welcome!
Covid protocols: Though not required, masks and up-to-date vaccinations are recommended to help keep our community healthy. We continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details.
Fulton Park Hall
(L’Etoile French Immersion School)
68 SW Miles St
Portland, Oregon 97219
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(L’Etoile French Immersion School)
68 SW Miles St
Portland, Oregon 97219
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