
This calendar shows local and PCDC affiliated events. To see more (and to be able to filter by type of events) go to our extended regional calendar.

SALEM Contra Dance: Pringle Creek and guest Gordy Euler w/Stacy Rose [North Bend]

Thu Feb 6, 2025

The Salem Folklore Community continues their First Thursdays Contra Dance series in 2023. They will hold their next dance from 6:30 to 9:00 at the VFW Hall (630 Hood St. NE).  Masks and vaccinations recommended, but not required.  They hope to create a welcoming atmosphere for both new and experienced dancers, with circles, squares, and contras designed to foster success and fun for all.

Admission is on a sliding scale, $5-10 per person, cash only at the door.

Music by Pringle Creek (Dennis Rothrock, Louise Rothrock, and Mark) plus guest piano player Gordy Euler [Portland]. Stacy Rose will head up from North Bend to call dances.

Newcomer session at 6 pm

Dancing 6:30-9:00 pm

For more info contact of check out the Salem Folklore Facebook page.



Salem VFW Hall
630 Hood Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
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Salem VFW Hall
630 Hood Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

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