(MASK OPTIONAL) Portland Ball Workshop. Erik Weberg calling with Bill Tomczak and Lisa Scott
Sun Sep 24, 2023
You do not need to be registered for the Ball in order to attend this Ball workshop. Erik will be teaching some of the more difficult dances on the program, as well as some of the more common dances.
For more information about the Ball please visit the website.
Time: 3:00p-5:00p
A Renaissance School
234 S Bancoft St
Portland, OR 97239
Suggested donation is $10 - $15
The ball workshops are designed for learning the dances on the ball program and are not intended to be an introduction to English country dance. Each of these workshops will focus on different ball dances and styling tips. Familiarity with English figures and geography will be assumed at the workshops.
If you are new to English country dance, please attend the PCDC Friday Night English Dance as often as possible prior to participating in the workshops.