Music Sessions

Contra Dance Tunes Sessions

Are you interested in learning some of those tunes you’ve been dancing to every week? The Second Thursday Contra Dance Tunes Sessions could be for you! We learn two or three tunes per session, taught by ear in true folk style.  Tunes are taught by George Penk and Betsy Branch, local musicians who are masters of contra music and great teachers.  And the price is FREE!!!   

The purpose is to build a common repertoire of tunes to be played at jam sessions and at the 5th Saturday Open Band dances.  Toward that end, every third session will be a jam led by George or Betsy, with an emphasis on the tunes we’ve been learning.  

Sessions meet every 2nd Thursday of the month, 7pm to 9pm, alternating between SE and SW Portland. All instruments, all levels welcome!  

For location information or to get on the reminder list, please email sharonjeanallen(at)yahoo(dot)com. 

To see an archive of tunes that have been taught, see the PCDC Dance Tunes Sessions website.

Contra and English Dance Slow Jams

PCDC hosts slow jams for both Contra and English Country music. The jams are FREE and open to all acoustic musicians, from beginner to expert, whether you play by dots or by ear.

Contra Slow Jam  – 1st and 3rd Mondays. We play tunes from the Portland Collection and the waltz books edited by Bill Matthiesen. 

ECD Slow Jam –  2nd and 4th Mondays. We play tunes from the Barnes Collection.

Sessions meet 7-9 PM, Community Room at McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Ave, Portland, OR 97211

If you don’t have the books, we’re happy to share. Come make music with us!!

Questions? Contact Kathy Story