From the Board and Committees

2024-12 Board Meeting Summary

Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Victor Fiore, Cynthia Stenger PCDC finance report: $13,000 more in the bank than this time last year. We need to increase the community development budget for the annual picnic.  Board members gave specific feedback to the membership committee about the …

2024-10 Board Meeting Summary

Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, Bill Tomczak, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Cynthia Stenger Renter’s insurance to cover sound equipment stored at Fulton is in place. End of fiscal year financial report shows a surplus of $16,426. Large financial gains were made from contra dances and Raindance. Cynthia Stenger is …

2024-09 Board Meeting Summary

Board Members Attending: Dave Colpo, Bill Tomczak, Kathy Story, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball (Short meeting before an in-depth retreat discussion.) New policies raise the pay for sound technicians and begin a rental charge of $25 per dance for use of PCDC owned sound equipment. Motion passed via email before the September meeting.

2024-07 Board Meeting Summary

Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, Bill Tomczak, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Victor Fiore New Directors and Officers liability insurance policy will be obtained with Great American. A policy for coverage for new sound equipment is being researched. Motion to use memorial donation funds for Sara Goss and Rick Piel …

2024-06 Board Meeting Summary

Board Members Attending: Ash Goren, Dave Colpo, David Macemon, Bill Tomczak, Kathy Story, Mark Swan, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Sara Munz, Victor Fiore Election results for board: Ash Goren, Bill Tomczak, Lindsey Grayzel, Victor Fiore, and Rick Kimball all received >50% of submitted votes. Kathy Story is elected as President of the board, Lindsey Grayzel …

2024-05 Board Meeting Summary

Board members Attending: Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz, Victor Fiore, Jody Odowick, Ash Goren General Updates: 

2024-04 Board Meeting Summary

Board members Attending: Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz, Victor Fiore, Jody Odowick, Ash Goren General Updates:

2024-03 Board Meeting Summary

Board members Attending: Dave Colpo, Kathy Story, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz, Victor Fiore General Updates:

2024-02 Board Meeting Summary

Board members Attending: Dave Colpo, Jody Odowick, Kathy Story, Ash Goren, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz General Updates:

2024-01 Board Meeting Summary

Board members Attending: Dave Colpo, Jody Odowick, Kathy Story, Ash Goren, Lindsey Grayzel, Rick Kimball, Mark Swan, David Macemon, Sara Munz General Updates: Newsletter: COVID Policies:

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